• 视频



  Chun Taeil was an assistant who once bought bread for hungry girls working in factories; a tailor who could not turn a blind eye to the poor working conditions in Pyeonghwa Market; and a worker who had no choice but to shout to defend the Labor Standards Act. Instead of honoring Chun Taeil as a patriotic martyr, Chun Tae-il deals with his personality and destiny. It depicts the eldest son, who had to be the pillar of a poor family, and a worker who had no choice but to set fire to the labor movement by collaborating with his colleagues, who did not even know how to protest. At the same time, the film depicts the scenery and characters of the more lyrical time in which Chun Taeil lived. Chun Tae-il is a detailed portrait of the people who wanted to live like human beings in impossible times presented as a painful and beautiful animated film. The voice actors include actors Jang Dongyoon as Chun; Yeom Hyeran as Chun′s mother, Lee Sosun; and Jin Seonkyu ; Park Chulmin; and Kwon Haehyo. (HONG Eunmi)


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